Which Under Paris Character Are You? - Under Paris Quiz

By Catherine Wales
Catherine Wales, Content Moderator
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, Content Moderator
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  • Questions: 10
  • Last Updated: 15 Jan, 2025
  • Attempts: 1
  • liked by 100%
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Which Under Paris Character Are You? - Under Paris Quiz

Under Paris is a Drama Thriller Movie. The movie is about a brilliant scientist came to check seine river in Paris for a World triathlon Championship. But a shark is swimming deep in the river and to avoid any accident joining forces with seine river police is the only option. The movie is available on Netflix already. You can take this exciting and thrilling quiz to know which character of the movie Under Paris you are.

The creature threatens the city, and time is running out. What’s your approach?

When planning a strategy to deal with the crisis, what do you prioritize?

You discover a massive creature is threatening Paris. How do you react?

What’s your reaction if your plan fails in the middle of the crisis?

You’re confronted with a crisis that involves both the environment and public safety. How do you balance both?

A decision has to be made: continue the event or cancel it. What do you do?

If the river was closed for safety reasons, but the triathlon needed to go on, what would your priority be?

A decision has to be made: continue the event, or evacuate the people?

A major event, like the World Triathlon, is about to take place, but a dangerous situation arises. What do you do?

A dangerous shark is spotted near the event location. What’s your first move?

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