Which Scream VI Character Are You? - Scream VI Quiz

By Rachel Kirisame
Rachel Kirisame, Content Moderator
Rachel, a quiz virtuoso at The Famous Personalities. She’s like a wizard at creating quizzes. Rachel’s quizzes are not just fun; they’re also packed with interesting facts. Whether it’s about movies, series, singers or sports she’s got it all covered.
, Content Moderator
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  • Questions: 10
  • Last Updated: 28 Jan, 2025
  • Attempts: 6
  • liked by 100%
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Which Scream VI Character Are You? - Scream VI Quiz

Scream VI is a horror mystery thriller movie. The movie is based on the characters developed by Kevin Williamso. The movie is about Carpenter sisters who join Blackmore University where a professor got killed by Ghostface wearing costume. You can take this interesting quiz before watching the movie Scream VI to know which character of the movie you are.

Ghostface calls you in a crowded bodega. What do you do?

Ghostface traps your group in an abandoned theater. What’s your priority?

You’re cornered by Ghostface. What’s your plan?

Someone in the group suggests splitting up. How do you respond?

You find a bloody mask on your doorstep. What’s your reaction?

At the Ghostface shrine, which item catches your eye?

A friend acts suspicious after an attack. What do you do?

Ghostface appears at a Halloween party. What’s your move?

You’re surrounded on a subway filled with Ghostface costumes. What do you do?

Ghostface calls you and taunts about your past. How do you handle it?

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