Last Updated: 06 May, 2024 | Views: 435
Age: 90
Profession: Motivational Speaker
Other Profession(s): Author, Professional Speaker
Famous For: Founder Of Hay House Publishing
Higher Education: Graduated
About (Profile/Biography):
Louise Lynn Hay was born on 08th October 1926 and died on 30th August 2017. She was an American motivational speaker, author, and AIDS advocate. She founded Hay House Publishing and wrote several New Thought self-help books, including You Can Heal Your Life, in 1984.
Louise Hay Career:
Louise Hay Early Life:
• Louise Hay was born in Los Angeles to Henry John Lunney (1901-1998) and Veronica Chwala (1894-1985). In May 2008, Hay told The New York Times's Mark Oppenheimer her life story.
• Louise Hay achieved success in her work for Bill Blass, Oleg Cassini, and Pauline Trigère. She married Andrew Hay (1928–2001) in 1954 but felt devastated when, after 14 years together, he left her for Sharman Douglas (1928–1996).
Louise Hay Work
• Louise Hay became a Religious Science practitioner in the early 1970s. She became popular as a workshop facilitator by leading people in spoken affirmations that she believed would cure their illnesses.
• During her studies at the Maharishi International University in Fairfield, Iowa, she learned Transcendental Meditation from Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.
• Originally published as a small pamphlet, Hay's first book, Heal Your Body, began as a list of bodily ailments and their "probable" metaphysical causes.
• In 2008, the movie You Can Heal Your Life was released about Louise Hay's life. Hay's official Web site describes the movie as a testimonial to my life, teachings, and how I've applied those teachings in my own life.
• Louise Hay was also awarded a Minerva Award at The Women's Conference in the same year. The book You Can Create An Exceptional Life by Hay and Cheryl Richardson was released in September 2011.
Louise Hay Publishing House
• Louise Hay established Hay House in 1984. The company's CEO, Reid Tracy, became an accountant in 1988. Various writers were attracted to the business as it flourished.
• Louise Hay House publishes over 130 books and audiobooks, including Deepak Chopra and Wayne Dyer. Hay House also publishes Abraham's teachings through Esther Hicks.
Louise Hay Death
• The 90-year-old Hay died peacefully in her sleep on 30th August 2017.
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