English Grammar Quiz: Determine Tenses!

By Ginger Martina
Ginger Martina, Content Moderator
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, Content Moderator
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  • Questions: 10
  • Last Updated: 17 Apr, 2024
  • Attempts: 1
  • liked by 100%
Let's Start this Quiz

English Grammar is centered on three primary tenses:  past, present, and future tense, where players are required to indicate the correct tense given in different sentences. Each sentence has a question attached with it and players will be able to select from four options; past tense, present tense, future tense or none of above. For anyone who is involved in the process of studying or teaching the English language either as a student or teacher especially beginners at ESL stages or anyone who would like to refresh his knowledge about grammar this resource would be useful because that person would learn more about verb tenses and become more fluent concerning the entire language. 

Determine the tense : "I will be studying for my maths exam tonight."

  • Past Tense 

  • Present Tense 

  • Future Tense 

  • None of the Above 

What tense is used in the sentence: "Mish finished her work yesterday."

  • Past Tense 

  • Present Tense 

  • Future Tense 

  • None of the Above 

Which tense is used in the sentence: "They played soccer in the park yesterday."

  • Past Tense 

  • Present Tense 

  • Future Tense 

  • None of the Above 

Determine the tense: "The sun rises in the east."

  • Past Tense 

  • Present Tense 

  • Future Tense 

  • None of the Above 

Identify the tense: "Alice is cooking food right now."

  • Past Tense 

  • Present Tense 

  • Future Tense 

  • None of the Above 

Identify the tense : "Jack walks to office every day."

  • Past Tense 

  • Present Tense 

  • Future Tense 

  • None of the Above 

Identify the tense: "Jack ate Maggi half an hour ago."

  • Past Tense 

  • Present Tense 

  • Future Tense 

  • None of the Above 

Determine the tense: "I am going to the gym tomorrow."

  • Past Tense 

  • Present Tense 

  • Future Tense

  • None of the Above

What tense is used in the sentence: "We will be watching a movie tonight."

  • Past Tense 

  • Present Tense 

  • Future Tense 

  • None of the Above 

Identify the tense : "They will visit their grandparents next weekend."

  • Past Tense 

  • Present Tense 

  • Future Tense 

  • None of the Above 


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