16bit Sensation: Another Layer is a Japanese manga written by Misato Mitsumi, Amazuyu Tatsuki, and illustrated by Tamiki Wakaki.Show More
It was initially sold as dōjinshi during the Comic Market in December 2016 and since September 2020 it has been serialized into a series of tankōbon volumes published by Kadokawa Shoten with two books released so far as at November 2021. There’s an anime adaptation for TV named 16bit Sensation: Another Layer which premiered on October, 2023 that was produced by studio Silver.
What 16bit Sensation: Another Layer Character Are You?
Could you be the ambitious and talented Konoha Akisato or perhaps the supportive and encouraging Mamoru Rokuta or it could be that you are the free-spirited and artistic Kaori Shimoda or even the determined and resourceful Meiko Uehara? Take this quiz to help you uncover your true potential in 16bit Sensation: Another Layer!