Last Updated: 07 Mar, 2024 | Views: 496
Age: 87
Profession: Musician
Other Profession(s): Composer
Famous For: Lithuanian music performer
Higher Education: Curtis Institute of Music
About (Profile/Biography):
Clara Rockmore is a well-known virtuoso performer born in Vilnius. Anna and Nadia, her older sisters, were also women. She showed early promise as a violin prodigy. She enrolled as the youngest student at the Saint Petersburg Conservatory at four, where she studied violin under renowned musician Leopold Auer. The family relocated back to Vilnius following the October Revolution, then to Warsaw, before securing visas and departing for the United States in 1921. Rockmore enrolled in the Curtis Institute of Music in the United States. Due to tendonitis in her bow arm as an adolescent, which was brought on by childhood malnourishment, she had to stop playing the violin.
In 1977, Rockmore created The Artwork of the Theremin, likely her most crucial work historically.
In it, Rockmoreperformed transcriptions of music by composers like Ravel, Stravinsky, and Rachmaninov, to name a few.
The 1980s saw a rise in the popularity of vintage digital equipment, and Robert Moog, a pioneer in the field of electronic music, played a role in the production of the CBS network television documentary The Artwork of the Theremin, which featured Rockmore.
Rockmore was also featured in the Theremin: An Electric Odyssey movie from 1994.
Achievements and Awards:
Rockmo reperformed a transcription of Franck's Violin Sonata in 1938, among other tasks.
Rockmore became the theremin's most well-known performer after meeting fellow immigrant Léon Theremin and learning about it. She gave numerous performances and assisted Theremin in honing her skills.
Unknown facts:
Clara Rockmore has a net worth of $1.7 million.
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