Which Uma Musume Character Are You? - Uma Musume Quiz

By Catherine Wales
Catherine Wales, Content Moderator
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, Content Moderator
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  • Questions: 10
  • Last Updated: 30 Dec, 2023
  • Attempts: 31
  • liked by 100%
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Which Uma Musume Character Are You? - Uma Musume Quiz

Which Uma Musume Character Are You?

Uma Musume: Pretty Derby is the story of Horse girl Special Week has moved from the country to the city to attend Tracen Academy. There, she and her classmates compete to win the Twinkle Series and earn the title of number one horse girl. 
Which Uma Musume: Pretty Derby Character Are You?
Are you the determined runner like Special Week, the elegant and graceful racer like Silence Suzuka, the energetic and cheerful horse girl like Tokai Teio, or the cool and composed runner like McQueen? Let's find out with these questions!

Your ideal racing outfit is:

How do you handle setbacks or challenges during a race?

In a race, you're known for:

Your preferred running style is:

How do you celebrate a victory after a race?

How do you motivate yourself before a big race?

Your favorite type of running terrain is:

In a team relay race, your role would be:

When faced with a challenging race, your mindset is to:

Your preferred type of racing event is:

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