Which Time Bandits Character Are You? - Time Bandits Quiz

By Ginger Martina
Ginger Martina, Content Moderator
Meet Ginger Martina, the quiz master over at The Famous Personalities! When it comes to writing those profiles for the quizzes, she’s on top of that, too! Anything tech-related from computer science to the latest software buzz, she knows like the back of her hand.
, Content Moderator
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On The Famous Personalities, our editorial team is made up of a few different types of people. We have subject experts, trivia writers, Famous personality profile writers and quiz masters who create quizzes and write profiles for millions to take. They’ve authored over 2,000+ biographies and 1200+ quizzes, all taken by at least 1 million users. To make sure that everything is perfect, they are trained by our comprehensive guidelines and work around the clock.
  • Questions: 10
  • Last Updated: 24 Jul, 2024
  • Attempts: 4
  • liked by 100%
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Which Time Bandits Character Are You? - Time Bandits Quiz

Time Bandits is a 2024 fantasy adventure series.Show More

The story follows an unpredictable journey through time and space with its goal as a group of thieves and their newest recruit: an 11-year-old history buff named Kevin. Have you ever wondered which member of the most bizarre crew that has ever lived you would be? Take this quiz now to find your Time Bandits twin!

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