The Bequeathed (Season 1) is an upcoming South Korean Netflix Original thriller series written and directed by Yeon Sang-Ho, the creator of Hellbound and the Train to Busan franchise.Show More
The series focuses on Yoon Seo-ha (Kim Hyun-joo), who inherits a family graveyard after the death of her uncle. However, the sudden appearance of her half-brother Young-ho (Itaewon Class‘ Ryu Kyung-soo) complicates the situation. Things get increasingly ominous when police officers Seong-joon (My Name‘s Park Hee-soon) and Sang-min (Moving‘s Park Byung-eun) show up to investigate a series of mysterious murders that took place nearby.
What The Bequeathed Character Are You?
As you respond to a few thought-provoking questions, reveal your hidden assets and weaknesses. Find out which character's legacy is similar to your own to uncover both stunning and sinister realities.