Berserk of Gluttony is a Japanese light novel series. The series story was written and illustrated by Ichika Isshiki.Show More
The story is about a gatekeeper who is from a noble family and gets humiliated for his ordinary job. He has some secret abilities which he can't show anyone. He uses his secret ability to grow his life and family as well secretly. It is a journey of a man who has hidden power and works for mankind by doing an ordinary Gate keeper job and getting humiliated daily. He discovers a sinister plot involving his own skill, his friends, as well as his own family's lineage.
What Berserk of Gluttony Character Are You?
Do you want to know ''Which Berserk of Gluttony Character Are You?'', our quizzes are perfect for you. These quizzes are designed to entertain people in their free time. The quiz asked you daily was different situation-based question that will help you to do right assessment about your character of Gluttony and give you the right result.