"Aníkúlápó: Rise of the Spectre" is a captivating adventure set in a futuristic world released in 2024.Show More
The TV series unfolds in the year 2200, blending elements of science fiction and fantasy. In this era, advanced technology coexists with mystical powers, creating a unique and intriguing setting. The narrative explores themes of courage, friendship, and the relentless pursuit of hope against the backdrop of an impending and mysterious threat.
What Character from Aníkúlápó: Rise of the Spectre Are You?
Discover which character from "Aníkúlápó: Rise of the Spectre Quiz" matches your personality in this thrilling quiz! Explore the traits of Saro, Arolake, Awarun, and Alaafin Ademuyiwa, and find out which hero of Ojumo you resemble the most.