Simple, Compound, And Complex Sentences Quiz Online

By Rachel Kirisame
Rachel Kirisame, Content Moderator
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, Content Moderator
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  • Questions: 10
  • Last Updated: 17 Apr, 2024
  • Attempts: 2
  • liked by 100%
Let's Start this Quiz

This quiz is meant to improve your understanding of sentence formation and its ingredients. Different forms are used in English language that serve distinct purposes to convey meaning and complexity.
In this quiz, you’ll examine the basics of simple sentences which contain only one independent clause and express complete thought. On the other hand, compound sentences are made up of two or more independent clauses usually linked by conjunctions so as to create more intricate connections among ideas. Lastly, complex sentences have an independent clause with one or more dependent clauses that provide additional information or context.
You will be able to identify and construct different types of these kinds of sentences in writing better once you engage in this quiz. Prepare yourself for an exploration on the subtleties of sentence structure and take command of English language use.

Which type of sentence has just one independent clause with no dependent clauses?

  • Simple sentence

  • Compound sentence

  • Complex sentence

  • Compound-complex sentence

Identify the type of the following statement, “The cat sat on the mat.”

  • Simple Sentence 

  • Compound Sentence 

  • Complex Sentence 

  • Complicated-Complex Sentence

Which of the following sentences is a complex sentence?

  • I like tea, but she prefers coffee.

  • He went to the store to buy groceries.

  • After the movie ended, they went out for dinner.

  • She baked cookies, and he made lemonade.

Which one among these is compound- complex?

  • She went to the store while he stayed home.

  • He played football, and she watched

  • Although it was raining, they decided to go for a walk

  • He walked to the park, but she drove there

In a complex sentences, an independent clause is normally joined by a dependent clause using:

  • Coordinating conjunctions

  • Subordinating conjunctions

  • Correlative conjunctions

  • Relative pronouns

Which of the following is an example of a compound sentence?

  • The cat sat on the windowsill

  • She likes swimming so she goes to the pool often

  • Because it was cold she wore a jacket

  • John plays basketball and Mary dances ballet

What kind of sentence is this? “I love reading books but I have little time.”

  • Simple sentence

  • Compound sentence

  • Complex sentence

  • Compound-complex sentence

A simple sentence is also referred to as a _______.

  • Simple sentence

  • Compound sentence

  • Complex sentence

  • Compound-complex sentence

In a compound sentence, the independent clauses are typically joined by:

  • Subordinating conjunctions

  • Coordinating conjunctions

  • Correlative conjunctions

  • Relative pronouns

Identify the type of sentence: “Although it was late, they continued working on project.”

  • Simple Sentence

  • Compound Sentence 

  • Complex Sentence

  • Compound-Complex Sentence 


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