Does Your Crush Like You Quiz? - Relationship Quiz

By Surbhi Singh
Surbhi Singh, Content Moderator
Meet Surbhi, the quiz master! With a keen eye for detail and a passion for storytelling, she specializes in creating engaging quizzes. Surbhi combines her research skills with a creative touch to bring fascinating personalities and stories to life for readers across the globe.
, Content Moderator
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  • Questions: 12
  • Last Updated: 19 Jan, 2024
  • Attempts: 284
  • liked by 100%
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Does Your Crush Like You Quiz? - Relationship Quiz

which type of couple you are by answering the following questions and ask your partner to do it as well?

Do you find yourself daydreaming about your crush, wondering if they feel the same way? Show More

Butterflies in your stomach every time they walk by? Heart skipping a beat when they text you? Longing to know if they're just being friendly or if there's something more?
Well, fret no more! This fun quiz will help you decode the subtle signs and clues that might hint at your crush's feelings for you. Answer these lighthearted questions about your interactions, their behavior, and those awkward glances you might catch them giving you.

Do they make an effort to know more about your interests and hobbies?

How does your crush react to your achievements or successes?

How does your crush behave when you're around mutual friends?

How do they respond when you express your feelings or interests to them?

Have they ever complimented your appearance or personality?

How does your crush respond when you initiate conversation?

Have they ever initiated contact or made plans to spend time together?

How does your crush react to compliments or gestures of kindness from you?

Do they remember and bring up details from your previous conversations?

Have you caught your crush looking at you during social gatherings?

How do they respond to physical proximity, such as accidental touches or closeness?

How do they behave when you're around other potential romantic interests?

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