Nikola Tesla Trivia Quiz: An American Inventor

By Kristin Borge
Kristin Borge, Content Moderator
Kristin, an experienced quiz creator at The Famous Personalities. She makes quizzes that are like a mix of fun and learning. Whether you love movies, art, books, or just want to get better at English, Kristin's got a quiz made just for you.
, Content Moderator
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  • Questions: 10
  • Last Updated: 06 Jan, 2023
  • Attempts: 14
  • liked by 100%
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Nikola Tesla Trivia Quiz: An American Inventor

Nikola Tesla was born in the U.S. in 1856. He was a Serbian-American inventor, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, and futurist who made significant contributions to creating the contemporary alternating current (AC) electricity delivery system. In the 1870s, Tesla studied engineering and physics without earning a degree. In the early 1880s, he obtained practical experience working in telephony and at Continental Edison in the developing electric power business. Here's a quiz based on Nikola Tesla.

Read Biography of Nikola Tesla

In what place did Tesla discover terrestrial stationary waves?

  • Colorado Springs

  • Boston

  • San Diego

  • Little Rock

When did Nikola Tesla die?

  • October 4, 1940

  • November 5, 1941

  • December 6, 1942

  • January 7, 1943

Where was Nikola Tesla born?

  • Chicago

  • Boston

  • Los Angeles

  • New York

What electrical technology is Tesla most likely to be remembered for?

  • Direct current

  • Indirect current

  • Alternating current

  • Nominal current

In which year did Tesla invent the Tesla coil?

  • In 1872

  • In 1884

  • In 1867

  • In 1880

Tesla was worked for which other famous inventor as an engineer in the United States?

  • Thomas Edison

  • Benjamin Franklin

  • George Westinghouse

  • Babs Oscillator

When was Nikola Tesla born?

  • June 9, 1856

  • July 10, 1856

  • August 11, 1856

  • September 12, 1856

Who was the fellow inventor and entrepreneur who paid Tesla a million dollars for his collective patents?

  • Carnegie

  • Edison

  • Westinghouse

  • Morgan

What company did Tesla work for in Budapest in 1881?

  • Electrical Company

  • Food and Drink Company

  • Law firm Company

  • Telegraph Company

The last project Tesla worked on was an anti-war weapon. What was it called?

  • Atom bomb

  • Death ray

  • Ultimate nullifier

  • Doomsday machine


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