Misophonia Quiz: Are You Suffering from Misophonia?

By Rachel Kirisame
Rachel Kirisame, Content Moderator
Rachel, a quiz virtuoso at The Famous Personalities. She’s like a wizard at creating quizzes. Rachel’s quizzes are not just fun; they’re also packed with interesting facts. Whether it’s about movies, series, singers or sports she’s got it all covered.
, Content Moderator
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On The Famous Personalities, our editorial team is made up of a few different types of people. We have subject experts, trivia writers, Famous personality profile writers and quiz masters who create quizzes and write profiles for millions to take. They’ve authored over 2,000+ biographies and 1200+ quizzes, all taken by at least 1 million users. To make sure that everything is perfect, they are trained by our comprehensive guidelines and work around the clock.
  • Questions: 10
  • Last Updated: 23 Apr, 2024
  • Attempts: 2
  • liked by 100%
Let's Start this Quiz

Misophonia is the condition that cause irritation to some sounds such as chewing, dripping water, snapping gum, or some repetitive noises, example tapping of pencil or clicking sounds.Show More

People suffering from misophonia can become irritated by hearing such trigger sounds. 
Are you also someone who easy get irritated with the unwanted noise? Or do you want to know if you are suffering from Misophonia? We have this quiz for you.
Play Misophonia Quiz!
We have curated 10 quiz questions. Every question has 4 options. You must select any one option that you like matches your habit. And based on your selection of options, we will show you a result.

When someone is breathing loudly, what do you typically do?

What is your reaction when someone chews loudly?

When someone is chewing gum loudly, how do you feel?

How do you react to the sound of someone sniffing repeatedly?

What do you think when someone is talking with their mouth full?

How do you feel about the sound of someone tapping their nails?

How do you react to the sound of someone whistling?

How do you feel when someone is tapping their foot constantly?

When someone is slurping their soup, what goes through your mind?

What's your reaction to the sound of someone clicking their pen repeatedly?

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