English Grammar Quiz: Active And Passive Voice Test

By Marisa Luisa
Marisa Luisa, Content Moderator
Marisa, a skilled quiz writer at The Famous Personalities. She’s a quiz writer who knows how to make learning fun. Her quizzes cover all sorts of cool stuff like films, series, singers, and even academic topics.
, Content Moderator
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  • Questions: 10
  • Last Updated: 17 Apr, 2024
  • Attempts: 8
  • liked by 100%
Let's Start this Quiz

We shall now begin our quiz on Active and Passive Voice. What are some of the subtleties in sentence construction that you should be aware of? It is through the use of active and passive voices that we can express actions and their receivers in English grammar.    Our quiz about active and passive voice is intended for all those who love grammar. In studying English grammar, active voice and passive voice are considered as different ways of expressing a thought. A passive voice tells us what one did without mentioning the person responsible for it. However, an active voice says explicitly who or what did something. Is the given sentence written in the active or passive voice? Try... Tell others about how well (or not-so-well) you performed- they might be impressed! Have you ever thought about what makes a sentence has an active or a passive voice? So let’s do it and trust your grammatical intuition. 

Identify the voice: The book was read by him.

  • Active Voice

  • Passive Voice

  • None

  • Don't Understand

Identify the voice: The package was delivered by the courier this morning.

  • Active Voice

  • Passive Voice

  • Don't Understand

  • None

Identify the voice: The cake tasted delicious.

  • Passive Voice

  • Active Voice

  • None

  • Don't Understand

Identify the voice: The teacher praised the students for their hard work.

  • Passive Voice

  • Active Voice

  • None

  • Don't Understand

Identify the voice: Sarah cooked dinner for her family.

  • None

  • Passive Voice

  • Active Voice

  • Don't Understand

Identify the voice: She will be given the award at the ceremony.

  • Active Voice

  • Passive Voice

  • None

  • Don't Understand

Identify the voice: The movie was watched by millions of people.

  • Passive Voice

  • Active Voice

  • None

  • Don't Understand

Identify the voice: The mistake was corrected by the editor.

  • Passive Voice

  • Active Voice

  • None

  • Don't Understand

Identify the voice: The house will be painted by the workers next week.

  • Active Voice

  • Passive Voice

  • Don't Understand

  • None

Identify the voice: Mark will finish the project by Friday.

  • Passive Voice

  • Active Voice

  • None

  • Don't Understand


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