Which Deadpool Character Are You? - Deadpool Quiz

By Marisa Luisa
Marisa Luisa, Content Moderator
Marisa, a skilled quiz writer at The Famous Personalities. She’s a quiz writer who knows how to make learning fun. Her quizzes cover all sorts of cool stuff like films, series, singers, and even academic topics.
, Content Moderator
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  • Questions: 10
  • Last Updated: 25 Jan, 2024
  • Attempts: 133
  • liked by 100%
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Which Deadpool Character Are You? - Deadpool Quiz

The Ultimate Deadpool Quiz, Deadpool Quiz, Deadpool Quizzes Online, Deadpool Fun Quiz Online, Questions & Answers

Welcome To Deadpool Quiz!Show More

Dive into the chimichanga-fueled chaos of Deadpool's world and discover your inner anti-hero with this side-splittingly insane quiz! Answer questions that test your pop culture prowess, fourth-wall-breaking wit, and regenerative healing factor.
Are you a pop-culture quoting machine, a sarcastic quip artist, or a chimichanga-loving wildcard? Take the quiz, grab your katanas, and find out which Deadpool character matches your twisted brilliance (or lack thereof). Just remember, chimichangas not included.

When faced with the truth about a supposed cure, how do you react?

A loved one is kidnapped by a dangerous adversary. How do you respond?

If offered a chance to join a team of superheroes, what's your response?

When betrayed by someone you trusted, what emotions do you experience?

How do you approach seeking revenge on those who have wronged you?

What would you do if you were diagnosed with a terminal illness like Wade Wilson?

In a battle against formidable opponents, what's your strategy?

Your appearance changes drastically due to a medical procedure. How do you cope?

If offered an experimental treatment with unknown risks, what's your response?

How do you handle betrayal from someone you considered a friend?

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