Am I Gentleman? - Quiz

By Kristin Borge
Kristin Borge, Content Moderator
Kristin, an experienced quiz creator at The Famous Personalities. She makes quizzes that are like a mix of fun and learning. Whether you love movies, art, books, or just want to get better at English, Kristin's got a quiz made just for you.
, Content Moderator
Approved & Edited by TFP Editorial Team
On The Famous Personalities, our editorial team is made up of a few different types of people. We have subject experts, trivia writers, Famous personality profile writers and quiz masters who create quizzes and write profiles for millions to take. They’ve authored over 2,000+ biographies and 1200+ quizzes, all taken by at least 1 million users. To make sure that everything is perfect, they are trained by our comprehensive guidelines and work around the clock.
  • Questions: 10
  • Last Updated: 22 Jul, 2024
  • Attempts: 32
  • liked by 100%
Let's Start this Quiz

Would you consider yourself to be a true gentleman? Here's what we'll find out! Being a gentleman means being kind, helpful, and respectful.Show More

Choosing the answer that sounds most like you will reveal if you are a true gentleman, have gentleman qualities, are trying to be a gentleman, or need a little more practice. Let's put your gentleman skills to the test.

How do you behave at the dinner table?

How do you handle sharing your toys or things?

What do you say when someone gives you a gift?

How do you react when someone compliments you?

How do you treat your friends?

What do you do if you see someone being bullied?

How do you greet someone new?

How do you react when someone is sad?

What do you do if someone drops their books?

What do you do when playing a game with friends?

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