Last Updated: 01 May, 2024 | Views: 265
Age: 93
Profession: Politician
Other Profession(s): Actor, Union leader, Sports Announcer
Famous For: 40th President of the United States
Higher Education: Eureka College (BA)
About (Profile/Biography):
Ronald Reagan, a well-known President of the United States, was born in Illinois. Ronald Reagan was the second baby born to Nelle Wilson Reagan and shoe salesman John Edward ("Jack") Reagan. As a child, Reagan's father frequently referred to him as his "fat little Dutchman," hence the nickname "Dutch" that stuck with him. Jack Reagan's drinking made it impossible for him to hold down a job, so the family had to move about from town to town for several years before settling in Dixon.
Ronald Reagan Presidency:
Reagan got into politics and entered the Republican Party in the 1940s and 1950s. During his tenure as governor of California, which lasted from 1967 to 1975, he developed a reputation as a staunch fiscal conservative and anti-communist.
Reagan's conservative initiatives as president included decreasing taxes, raising defence expenditure, and reducing government spending.
Reagan added conservative members to the federal courts as well as the Supreme Court. Reagan is often regarded with having a significant impact on the conclusion of the War, which had dominated world affairs for decades.
Several domestic programmes were also implemented during Reagan's presidency, notably the Complete Anti-Apartheid Act of 1986, the Recovery Tax Act, and the War on Drugs. Along with his charismatic leadership.
Ronald Reagan Contibutions:
Reagan worked with the Soviets to establish arms control accords, which contributed to the fall of communism throughout Eastern Europe.
Reagan defeated incumbent President Jimmy Carter in a landslide in the 1980 presidential election.
Ronald Reagan Unknown Facts:
Reagan was renowned for his ability to connect with the American people.
Ronald Reagan Death:
Reagan resigned from politics and resided with his spouse, Nancy, at their property in California after stepping down in 1989. He was given an Alzheimer's diagnosis in 1994, and in 2004, he passed away at the age of 93.
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