Last Updated: 02 May, 2024 | Views: 280
Age: 83
Profession: Lawyer
Other Profession(s): Attorney, Human Rights Activist
Famous For: Founder of Allred, Maroko, & Goldberg
Higher Education: Loyola Marymount University (JD)
Net Worth: $20 Million Approx.
About (Profile/Biography):
Gloria Allred, an attorney from the U.S., was born on July 3, 1941 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She’s notorious for taking high-profile and often controversial cases. Especially ones that involve the protection of women's rights. After moving back in with her parents, she kept studying and eventually earned a degree in English back in 1963. Now there’s a woman who likes to argue.
Gloria Allred Career:
Gloria Allred Work As Attorney:
• Allred founded the firm Allred, Maroko, & Goldberg with fellow Loyola graduates Michael Maroko and Nathan Goldberg in January 1976.
• In 1979, Allred represented seven children and their parents in a lawsuit against the Sav-On Drugstore chain to stop the store from designating separate sections for boys' and girls' toys.
Gloria Allred Represented Lesbian Activists
• In 1983, Allred represented lesbian activists Deborah Johnson and Zandra Rolón in their lawsuit against the owner of a Los Angeles restaurant, Papa Choux, after he denied them service in a booth reserved for "romantic couples.
• Rather than serve LGBT couples, the restaurant decided to eliminate the booths altogether, and took out newspaper ads inviting the public to a "Wake for Romance" event.
Gloria Allredrepresenting at least 28 women
• As of 2015, Gloria Allred was representing at least 28 women who accuse Bill Cosby of sexual assault, sexual harassment, and/or other sexual misconduct.
• Gloria Allred also represented three women who accuse Donald Trump of sexual misconduct—claims which Trump has denied, and which first arose during Trump's 2016 presidential campaign.
Gloria Allred Co-hosted a Radio Talk show
• Gloria Allred co-hosted a radio talk show with Mark Taylor on KABC in Los Angeles for 14 years.
• Gloria Allred also served as a panellist on the 1990 revival of television game show To Tell the Truth.
Gloria Allred Political Activities
• Gloria Allredfounded and is currently president of the Women’s Equal Rights Legal Défense and Education Fund WERDLEF.
• In 1980, Gloria Allred held a fundraiser at Chippendales for WERLDEF.
Gloria Allred Unknown Facts:
• Musical comedy Glee: In several episodes of musical comedy Glee, Gloria Allred was mentioned by character Sue Sylvester to be her lawyer.
• Co-hosted a radio Talk show: Allred co-hosted a radio talk show with Mark Taylor on KABC in Los Angeles for 14 years. Gloria Allred also served as a panellist on the 1990 revival of television game show To Tell the Truth.
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