Last Updated: 05 Oct, 2023 | Views: 2089
Age: 84
Profession: Inventor
Other Profession(s): Business Men
Famous For: The Father of Invention
Higher Education: The Cooper Union
About (profile/biography)
Thomas Alva Edison is known for his invention of the Electric Bulb. And he worked on numerous machines in fields such as mass communication, electric power generation, sound recording, and motion picture. Thomas Edison has many inventions, such as the Phonograph and Motion Picture Camera, Fluoroscopy, etc. Edison started selling newspapers, vegetables, etc., on the trains running from Port Huron to Detroit. He started his first telegraph job on the Grand trunk railway at Stratford junction.
Career of Thomas Edison
In 1866: Edison shifted to Louisville, Kentucky as a worker for Western Union.
In 1876: He opened a new laboratory in Menlo Park, New Jersey. And later, Edison was known as the "The Wizard of Menlo Park."
In 1877: Edison started working to improve the microphone for transistors by developing a carbon microphone it contains two metal plates divided by granules of carbon that transform resistance with the pressure of sound waves.
In 1879: The invention has done at Edison's Menlo Park, N.J., laboratory on New Year's Eve.
In 1882: The first light bulb was fixed in the weaving hall of Finlayson’s textile factory, situated in Finland.
Awards and Achievements of Thomas Edison
In 1928: Edison received the Congressional Gold Medal.
In 2008: He received the honor of the Technical Grammy Award.
Thomas Edison Unknown facts
At the age of 12, he loosed his hearing ability because of an infection in his mid-ear. Thomas Edison believed that his hearing loss allowed him to ignore distractions and focus on his work.
One night in 1867, he started working with a Lead-Acid battery when he split sulphuric acid onto the floor and his Boss's desk below. The next morning Edison was fired.
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