Last Updated: 09 May, 2024 | Views: 225
Age: 42
Profession: Historical Women
Other Profession(s): Queen
Famous For: Queen of England and Ireland
About (Profile/Biography):
Mary I, also known as "Bloody Mary," was born in England. She earned the nickname Bloody Mary for her ruthless persecution of Protestants in her effort to bring back Roman Catholicism in England. Mary, the daughter of King Henry VIII and the Spanish princess Catherine of Aragon, was used as a pawn in England's savage competition with more powerful countries when she was younger, having marriage proposals made ineffectively to various potentates whom England coveted as allies.
After being finally betrothed to her cousin Charles V (Charles I of Spain), the Holy Roman emperor, Mary was ordered by him to travel to Spain with a sizable dowry.
Having ignored Mary's request, he dumped her and found a better match. Her father gave her the title of princess of Wales in 1525, but the absence of official records suggests she was never formally invested. Then, while new betrothal arrangements were being completed, she kept court at Ludlow Castle.
Mary could not escape the label of "bastard," and she was confined to a tiny space. Her marriage proposals from each of her suitors fell through.
Still regarded as illegitimate, Mary was permitted to return to court when Henry wed Catherine Howard. In 1544, she was given the right to succeed in the kingdom after Edward and any other legitimate children who might be born to Henry.
Unknown facts:
Mary was again at risk of losing her head as she celebrated mass traditionally in her chapel.
A diligent and intelligent young lady, she received an education from her mother and a governess of ducal status.
The most significant European princess was now Mary. Despite being unassuming, she was a well-liked character with a lovely contralto singing voice and strong language skills.
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