Last Updated: 24 Apr, 2023 | Views: 297
Age: 67
Profession: Historical Women
Other Profession(s): Politician
Famous For: Queen of France and Regent
About (Profile/Biography):
Marie de Medici was a Queen consort of France and Navarre and was born in Tuscany. Marie de Medici, originally descended from the illustrious and wealthy "House of Medici," served as Queen of France and Henry IV's second wife. With the enormous dowry he received from the alliance, King Henry IV could pay off his obligations thanks to her marriage to him. She hated the King's open extramarital affairs, but he disliked her for placing her naive faith in her deceitful and clever maid Leonara and her husband, Concini.
The Parisian Parliament appointed her as her son Louis's regent when King Henry IV was killed and held that position until Louis reached adulthood.
Marie followed Concini's advice in undoing King Henry IV's anti-Spanish stance. Even after King Louis XIII reached adulthood, she and Concino continued with the government, ignoring him and using his name.
Due to her numerous political associations, Marie and her son King Louis XIII had a rocky relationship, and she even risked banishment.
Marie played a significant role in creating Paris' "Palais du Luxembourg" in 1615. The palace's interior design and furniture show her affinity for the arts.
Unknown facts:
Marie is renowned for her exceptional support of the arts and for creating opulent buildings that are now considered among Paris' finest creations.
In February 1619, she escaped with the aid of her third son, Gaston, Duke of Orleans. She and Gaston organized a coup, but it was quickly put down by the king's army.
Marie and Louis later reconciled after Richelieu's intervention, and she was given the right to take across a judge at Anger.
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