Last Updated: 26 Jul, 2023 | Views: 303
Age: 95
Profession: Author
Other Profession(s): NoveList
Famous For: French author who wrote Angélique series
About (Profile/Biography):
Anne Golon, a well-known French Author, was born in France. She helped preserve a record of the genuine patriotism she saw around her by using her two abilities for writing and recording photos. In a show of defiance, she put one foot on Spanish land in front of the German border patrol while standing on the border with Spain. She also came upon Poitou's beauty while traveling during this period, where she subsequently found her eponymous heroine Angélique. Following the publication of this book.
"Au Pays de derrière Mes Yeux" (The nation behind my Eyes), Anne's first book written under the pen name JolleDanterne, was released in 1943.
Anne went on to write and publish some best-selling "thrillers," never shying away from the usage of "taboo" subjects.
Anne was acknowledged as a screenwriter and contributed to movie dialogue as well.
Simone Changeux secretly helped the allied invasion army in 1945 by concealing classified information about the Normandy landings in her sister's home's garden.
In Versailles, Anne began work on the first volume of Angélique. At the same time, Serge conducted historical research and gave Joffrey suggestions on best using his wide geological and scientific expertise.
Achievements and Awards:
Anne founded the magazine "France 47" (later known as "France Magazine"), where she published essays, series, tales, and legends.
Angélique was published in Germany in 1956 to widespread praise and simply as Anne Golon.
Unknown facts:
Anne exclaims with joy that they now more closely resemble the characters in her books.
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