Last Updated: 04 Apr, 2024 | Views: 570
Age: 53
Profession: Author
Other Profession(s): Business Women
Famous For: Co-founded Health Allies
Higher Education: Brown University (BA),University of Pennsylvania (MBA)
Net Worth: $5 Million Approx.
About (Profile/Biography):
In Newark, New Jersey, on September 2, 1971, Amelia Warren Tyagi was born. Elizabeth Warren and her first husband, Jim Warren, had two children, including Amelia Warren Tyagi. Bruce H. is a legal researcher and the stepfather of Amelia Warren Tyagi. Amelia Warren Tyagi graduated with a Master of Business Administration from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and a Bachelor of Arts from Brown University.
Amelia Warren Tyagi Career
Amelia Warren Tyagi Earlier Career:
• Amelia Warren Tyagi, the current president of the Business Talent Group, began her career as a consultant for McKinsey & Company.
• In 2007, Amelia Warren Tyagi and Jody Greenstone Miller—who presently serves as BTG's Chairman of the Board of Directors—cofounded the company.
Amelia Warren Tyagi Works with "40% of Fortune 100
• Amelia Warren Tyagi provides independently contracted talent for business projects to forty percent of Fortune 100 businesses.
• Amelia Warren Tyagi concentrates on helping businesses grow and meets their goals.
Amelia Warren Tyagi Co-founded Business Talent Group
• Amelia Warren Tyagi is the president and co-founder of Business Talent Group, a recruitment agency.
• Amelia Warren Tyagi co-founded HealthAllies and is an emeritus trustee of the progressive think tank Demos.
Amelia Warren Tyagi Co-authored two books
• Amelia Warren Tyagi and her mother Elizabeth Warren co-wrote two books, The Two-Income Trap and All Your Worth.
• Amelia Warren Tyagi was a radio pundit for Marketplace and currently serves on the board of the nonprofit organization Fuse Corps.
Amelia Warren Tyagi Unknown Facts
• Amelia Warren Tyagi and her mother made an appearance on Dr. Phil to promote a book they co-wrote.
• Amelia Warren Tyagi offers talent that is separately engaged for commercial endeavors.
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